Past Activity

Big Lake Ski/Snowshoe Trip

  • Start date: 03/30/2011

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 04/01/2011

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Ski or snowshoe into a “camp” at Big Lake, starting at Santiam Pass.

We’ll be staying in semi-private rooms with the bathrooms down the hall. Mattresses are provided on bunk beds; we bring our sleeping bags. A Snow-cat will carry our gear in, so we’ll ski or snowshoe with just our daypacks. Breakfasts and dinners are included. Bring your own lunch. See the March, 2010 Bulletin for a more detailed trip description. See the April, 2009 Bulletin for a trip report from 2 years ago.
Cost: $75 per person for members, $80 for non-members. Preference will be given to members. This trip is limited to 20 participants.
Sign-up: Send check payable to Obsidians for $75 within 5 days of signing up to Lana Lindstrom, P.O. Box 5506, Eugene 97405.
Questions: Contact Lana Lindstrom at 683-1409 or e-mail

  • Event Leader: Lindstrom Lana

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Extended Trips

  • Area Type:

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Easy

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 200

  • Season: 2011

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: A complete list will be given to participants at the pre-trip meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 7:00 PM at the Lodge.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 7

  • Member Fees: 75

  • Elevation Gain: 50

  • Non-Member Fees: 80

  • Committee: Extended Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

Big Lake is a youth camp during the summer, but in the winter, various groups can stay in their facilities. There are two separate reports for this overnight trip: 1) the trip to/from of the facility on March 30 and April 1; and 2) the skiing and snowshoeing which occurred on March 31. In addition, a summary article was written for the April Bulletin.

Fifteen adventurers skied or snowshoed to Big Lake on Santiam Pass on Wednesday, March 30 - a journey of about 3 miles via the road. A snowcat carried our gear to the Lodge. It was misting slightly, so we had a leisurely lunch inside the lodge and then about 2:30PM, ventured out for a short excursion. After a fabulous dinner of salmon baked with peppers, onions, carrots, and asparagus, we enjoyed scrumptious chocolate cookies. Games, reading, and conversation ended the day.

April 1 dawned sunny and clear, albeit fairly warm. After breakfast, we cleaned the lodge and then skied or snowshoed back to Ray Benson Snow Park where we collected our gear from the snowcat. The snow was hard packed enough that several folks hiked out.

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 20
  • Number of spots available: 1
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Lindstrom, Lana 541-683-1409 N 75
2 Signed-Up Hughes, Richard 541-579-3098 N 75
3 Signed-Up Stockdale, Chris 541-221-2293 N 75
4 Signed-Up Martz, Helen 541-345-6229 N 75
5 Signed-Up Rust, Cindy 541-735-5446 N 80
6 Signed-Up Whitfield, Jim 541-937-2364 N 80
7 Signed-Up Mac Afee, Patricia 541-510-8862 N 80
8 Signed-Up Van Deusen, Charlie 541-685-1087 N 75
9 Signed-Up Esch, Patricia 541-338-8280 N 75
10 Signed-Up Shuraleff, Chris 541-954-4474 N 75
11 Signed-Up Bryan, Keiko 541-342-1240 N 75
12 Signed-Up Durham, Charles 541-521-0482 N 80
13 Signed-Up Newman, Judy 541-359-7427 N 75
14 Signed-Up Magee, Sidney 541-344-7788 N 80
15 Signed-Up Meyers, Sue 541-485-8890 N 80
16 Signed-Up Wagar, Chuck 541-543-1489 N 80
17 Signed-Up West, Marian 541-746-6263 N 80
18 Signed-Up Rust, Cindy 541-735-5446 N 80
19 Signed-Up West, Marian 541-746-6263 N 80