Past Activity

Spring Basin Wilderness

  • Start date: 05/19/2011

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 05/22/2011

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Hike in one of the newest wilderness areas of Oregon, Spring Basin Wilderness near the John Day Clarno Unit. Lodging at the OMSI Camp Hancock Field Station in 2-person, A-frame huts with communal showers and toilets. Included in the cost are three breakfasts, three dinners and lunch fixings.
Cost per person: $130 members, $135 nonmembers. THIS TRIP IS LIMITED TO 20 PARTICIPANTS. A pretrip meeting will be held.
To secure your place, sign up and send a non-refundable check for $25, payable to The Obsidians, to
Chris Stockdale, 32665 W. Saginaw Road, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. Send payment within 5 days of sign up to guarantee your spot.
Questions: Contact Chris at 541-767-3668 or email:

  • Event Leader: Stockdale Chris

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Extended Trips

  • Area Type:

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Difficult

  • Roundtrip total drive miles:

  • Season: 2011

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: Equipment list will be sent to participants.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance:

  • Member Fees: 130

  • Elevation Gain:

  • Non-Member Fees: 135

  • Committee: Extended Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

There’s nothing like arriving at the trailhead of a hike you’ve never done to find the parking lot full of emergency vehicles and a helicopter buzzing overhead. This is what awaited us at the start of the Scout Camp trail in the Crooked River Ranch area. Our group was heading for the Spring Basin wilderness trip in the John Day Clarno area and broke the journey to hike this new trail. Apparently a woman had fallen and broken her leg not long before we arrived, and was evacuated by helicopter. It certainly makes you think about treading carefully, especially on this trail which turned out to have some steep, rocky descents and a bit of scrambling. But our group survived to tell about it, and found it to be a spectacular 3-mile loop in the beautiful Deschutes River canyon.

Fourteen of the group arrived for Thursday night at the Hancock Field Station, sharing the OMSI science camp with about 90 kids. With cabins to ourselves and a separate dining area, we could enjoy watching and listening to the exuberance of these kids on their last night in camp without having to join in.

On Friday, we hiked up into the Spring Basin wilderness via a fairly steep and rough trail. Once on the top of the ridge, though, the going was much easier as we followed old ranching roads. The weather was spectacular and we were able to spend plenty of time on top of a couple of high points, relishing the incredible views and looking for numerous different blooming wild flowers. These included hedgehog cactus, bitterroot, balsamroot and phlox, plus several flowers that nobody could identify. A couple of deer were seen running in the distance, and several snakes were almost stepped on. Having determined the first one we saw was not a rattlesnake, we didn’t worry too much. (I think it was a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake.) Lunch was atop a rocky outcropping with steep drops down to the John Day River valley.

Back at camp we found the six people who had been unable to come on Thursday and spread ourselves around the camp since the kids had gone. While some relaxed with books or snoozed, others hiked some of the 10 miles of trails surrounding the camp, which is located right in the John Day National Monument.

On Saturday we organized a car shuttle, leaving one vehicle at the Spring Basin trailhead. Then we all drove to the Palisades area of the Monument and headed up into the hills again, this time via the Pine Creek Conservation area. A few people turned around part way up, but the rest of us continued on, heading cross-country to scramble up the trail-less Horse Mountain. From this great viewpoint, we could plan a route down the other side of the mountain, into the actual Spring Basin valley and then up to the ridge we had visited on Friday in order to descend to the car waiting for us. Not everyone wanted to do this one-way trip, so they headed back down to the Palisades. Eight of us accomplished the route-finding hike with no problem and, in fact, were back at the car earlier than expected.

Sunday dawned chilly with a threat of rain, and most people packed up to get an early start for the journey home. The trip was deemed a great success, with praise heaped upon the Hancock station staff, especially our cook, Nancy. They bent over backwards to make sure that we were comfortable, well fed and wanted for nothing.

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 20
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Stockdale, Chris 541-221-2293 N 130
2 Signed-Up Nelson, Nola 541-942-5326 N 130
3 Signed-Up Jacobsen, Janet 541-206-1251 N 130
4 Signed-Up Whitfield, Nancy 541-520-0450 N 130
5 Signed-Up Flashenberg, Paul 541-915-9482 N 135
6 Signed-Up Van Deusen, Charlie 541-685-1087 N 130
7 Signed-Up Whitfield, Jim 541-937-2364 N 135
8 Signed-Up Wilken, Lyndell 541-343-3080 N 130
9 Signed-Up Christiansen, Lynda 541-912-9952 N 130
10 Signed-Up Meacham, Lynn 541-214-8827 N 130
11 Signed-Up Drescher, Marlene 541-342-5591 N 135
12 Signed-Up Emlen, Clara 541-746-2181 N 130
13 Signed-Up Lichtenstein, Ed 541-683-0688 N 135
14 Signed-Up Pierce, Jim 206-902-7326 N 130
15 Signed-Up Kameenui, Brenda 541-344-9506 N 130
16 Signed-Up Hackett, Jane 541-953-7046 N 130
17 Signed-Up Metcalfe, Valerie 541-221-5702 N 130
18 Signed-Up Stern, Carol 541-746-3804 N 130
19 Signed-Up Foster, Bob 541-746-3804 N 130
20 Signed-Up Fitzpatrick, Kelly 541-510-3019 N 135
21 Signed-Up Ramey, Stephen 541-344-1146 N 135
22 Signed-Up Litson, Shawn 541-517-6722 N 135
23 Signed-Up Friedland, Sharon 541-505-0971 N 130