Past Activity

Douglas County Safari and Wine

  • Start date: 08/07/2012

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 08/07/2012

  • End time: 11:59 PM


We will have coffee at a rest stop along I-5 and will proceed to Wildlife Safari for a cool morning visit. We will have time to view the exhibits and the gift shop. We will then tour adjacent Abacela Winery. Lunch will be catered at the Melrose Winery. We will also visit the Russell Prayer Rock Vineyards. We will return to the Shopko parking lot by 5:00 pm.

Cost: members: $65; non-members: $67; due July 20.
Reservations and checks to: Barbara Payne

  • Event Leader: Kocken Verna

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Bus Trips

  • Area Type:

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating:

  • Roundtrip total drive miles:

  • Season: 2012

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required:

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance:

  • Member Fees: 65

  • Elevation Gain:

  • Non-Member Fees: 67

  • Committee: Bus Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

Vintage Obsidiane’ (Wildlife Safari and Wine tour)

Bottled on August 7, 2012, the Obsidiane’ Reserve is in the oak barrels of memories to age. Granted the Best of Show award for Best Wildlife Safari Tour Ever, by ingredient, Janet Jacobson, who vowed never to tour the premises without a docent again. Our guide, Barbara, mixing well with the other Barbaras in the group, added the flavor of personal experience with the multitudinous species represented at Safari. Her technique added a particular warmth to the spicy and fragrant finish.

The green flavor of Abacela presented a deep toned, though fast-paced experience and on to the earthy flavor of the Melrose Winery tasting room where a roast beef luncheon with a hint of watermelon left the group “full bodied”. Exciting and breath-taking arrival at Reustle’s Prayer Rock Winery broadened with the scent and flavor of lavender and roses. Cool cellars gave an old world ambiance and refreshing energy to all.

Thirty four ingredients: Ethyl Allen, Alice Anderson, Bill Arthur, Don Baldwin, Barbara, Paul and Paula Beard, Shirley Cameron, Marylee Cheadle, Sharon Cutsforth, Pat Dark, Barbara and Dennis Flanders, Shirley Froyd,Donna Halker, Janet Jacobsen, Verna Kocken, John and Lenore McManigal, Barbara and Don Payne,Virginia Prouty, Liz Reanier, Susan Sanazaro, Julie Snell, Dick and Janet Speelman and Mary Ellen West were the main ingredients (members) with spices added (non-members): Marcia Bell, Marjorie Hislop, Doug and Maxine Hughes, Edith Pattee and Grace Swanson, driver: Terry.

Respectfully submitted: (Honorary Winemaker) Verna Kocken

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Kocken, Verna 541-513-3501 N 65
2 Signed-Up Allen, Ethel 541-736-0692 N 67
3 Signed-Up Anderson, Alice 541-338-3135 N 67
4 Signed-Up Arthur, Bill 541-844-5156 N 67
5 Signed-Up Baldwin, Don 541-513-3501 N 65
6 Signed-Up Beard, Barbara 541-994-2337 N 65
7 Signed-Up Beard, Paul 541-994-2337 N 65
8 Signed-Up Beard, Paula 541-968-0013 N 65
9 Signed-Up Cameron, Shirley 541-344-0166 N 67
10 Signed-Up Cheadle, Mary Lee 541-689-1085 N 67
11 Signed-Up Cutsforth, Sharon 541-735-4703 N 65
12 Signed-Up Dark, Pat 541-912-1190 N 65
13 Signed-Up Flanders, Barbara 541-747-9803 N 67
14 Signed-Up Flanders, Dennis 541-747-9803 N 67
15 Signed-Up Froyd, Shirley 541-942-1609 N 67
16 Signed-Up Halker, Donna 541-302-9496 N 67
17 Signed-Up Jacobsen, Janet 541-206-1251 N 65
18 Signed-Up McManigal, John 541-345-2036 N 67
19 Signed-Up McManigal, Lenore 541-345-2036 N 67
20 Signed-Up Payne, Don 541-452-3617 N 65
21 Signed-Up Payne, Barbara 541-746-1964 N 67
22 Signed-Up Prouty, Virginia 541-484-1356 N 67
23 Signed-Up Reanier, Liz 541-687-1925 N 67
24 Signed-Up Sanazaro, Susan 505-906-7327 N 67
25 Signed-Up Snell, Julie 541-681-3110 N 67
26 Signed-Up Speelman, Janet 541-344-3019 N 67
27 Signed-Up Speelman, Richard 541-344-3019 N 67
28 Signed-Up West, Mary Ellen 541-342-8672 N 67
29 Signed-Up Bell, Marcia 541-747-2766 N 67
30 Signed-Up Swanson, Grace 541-686-8076 N 67
31 Signed-Up Hislop, Marge 541-688-3611 N 67
32 Signed-Up Hughes, Maxine N 67
33 Signed-Up Hughes, Doug N 67
34 Signed-Up Pattee, Edith 541-344-1453 N 67