Past Activity

Spring Basin and John Day Fossil Beds

  • Start date: 05/17/2013

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 05/19/2013

  • End time: 11:59 PM


The mileage, elevation, and rating will depend on participant's choices. We will head to Spring Basin on Friday, May 17 for two nights, and return to Eugene on Sunday. We will be staying at the OMSI Camp Hancock Field Station, a rustic but comfortable camp right on the edge of the Spring Basin Wilderness, close to the John Day Clarno unit. We will be housed in A-frame cabins with two bunk beds each. Communal showers and toilets are close by, and meals are served in the dining hall. Included in the trip price are two dinners, two breakfasts and lunch fixings.
Scout Camp Trail near Crooked River Ranch is an optional hike on our way over to Camp Hancock. It is an easy 3-mile loop with 650 ft. elevation gain. Saturday and Sunday mornings, we can hike on trails near the Hancock Station or in the Spring Basin Wilderness. Another option is to visit the Clarno Unit in the John Day Fossil Beds where there are several short hikes. That could be combined with driving an additional 18 miles to Fossil, where we could arrange to dig and collect fossils in the Fossil Beds at Wheeler High School.
I would like to lead an optional pre-trip, leaving on Thursday, May 16 to visit Sheep Rock Unit near Dayville and the Painted Hills Unit in nearby Mitchell. We’d have time for exploring and hiking in some dramatic landscapes and probably spend the night in Mitchell.
Trip price, including meals and accommodation is $110 members and $115 nonmembers. To reserve your spot, sign up online and send a non-refundable check for $20, payable to the Obsidians, to Janet Jacobsen, 4975 Old Dillard Rd, Eugene OR 97405. Call Janet at 343-8030 for more information or email her at There will be an organizational meeting for participants at the lodge in late April or early May.
Read Chris Stockdale’s account of the various hikes in the Spring Basin Wilderness trip in 2010 in the June 2010 and June 2011 Bulletins at

  • Event Leader: Jacobsen Janet

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Extended Trips

  • Area Type:

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Moderate

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 600

  • Season: 2013

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: sleeping bag, pillow, towel, rain gear, layered clothing, hiking boots, shoes to wear at station, beverage, lunch for first day, sun screen. I'll provide more information at the pre organizational meeting.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 17

  • Member Fees: 110

  • Elevation Gain:

  • Non-Member Fees: 115

  • Committee: Extended Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

Thursday and Friday we explored the trails and sights in the John Day Fossil Beds and capped the weekend with our stay at the Hancock Field Station to hike in the Spring Basin Wilderness. Nineteen good-humored Obsidians allowed me to herd them to my list of “Next Stops.”

Thursday, we left Eugene at 7:30 am to meet at the Painted Hills Unit for lunch. With overcast skies perfect for photographers, we hiked the maintained trails at Carroll Rim, Painted Hills Overlook, Painted Cove, Leaf Hill and Red Rock. Then it was a quick 1 ½ hour drive to John Day for the 4:00 tour of the Kam Way Chung Museum. A few blocks away, Dreamers Lodge and the Outpost Pizza and Grill were on tap for our evening delights.

Friday morning at 8:00, we drove to the Mascall Formation Overlook for views of the John Day Valley and Picture Gorge. Next stop was the Sheep Rock Unit where we hiked the trails at the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center and James Gant Ranch. It was hard to tear people away from the fossils but we needed to hit the road again for a short drive to Blue Basin Overlook Loop Trail. The steep trail to the top for lunch offered breathtaking views of the basin and blue green badlands. This is a hike not to be missed! Some also hiked the Island in Time Trail ascending along the canyon floor. After a quick stop at Fossil, we were more than happy to head for the OMSI Hancock Field Station (HFS) and our rustic cabins. It was time to unpack sleeping bags and then relax in the dining hall with our appetizers and beverages.

The Hancock Field Station is nestled in a picturesque valley surrounded by desert hills and trails. The staff made us fell right at home. Christy, the program director with a smile, answered our questions and explained everything. The food was amazing with fresh fruit, veggie options, cookies, bread pudding, ice cream, soups, omelets, oatmeal, muffins and calzones. No one went hungry. The showers were hot.

Saturday Jim Whitfield led a 6 ½ mile hike that seemed like 8 miles across the sagebrush steppe of the Spring Basin Wilderness. Valerie Metcalfe led the way for those who wanted to walk up and back the same way. Vista points gave sweeping views of rugged cliffs, canyons and the John Day River valley. It was ideal hiking weather with overcast skies, sun breaks and light rain at lunchtime. We spotted the Hedgehog cactus just ready to bloom. Except for Holger Krentz, I could not drum up enthusiasm for a “next stop” at the nearby Clarno Fossil unit. Everyone seemed desperate to go back to camp to shower, play board games, relax, and watch the movie, Kam Way Chung.

After dinner, Valerie led a hike out of camp over juniper sage grasslands with colorful views of sky and canyons. Others settled down in the library to watch the film, The Way, with May Fogg and Patty Mac Afee who will be walking the El Camino later this summer.

Sunday after we ate breakfast, cleaned our cabins, and fixed our lunches, some headed home and others went on the “last stop” to the Clarno Unit to hike the Trail of Fossils, Geologic Time Trail and Clarno Arch Trail.

I couldn’t have asked for a better group to share the experience. Their generous, curious, and enthusiastic spirit were a thumbs up for leading extended trips.

No, we didn’t see everything. A return trip is needed to search for the Hancock Lady Petroglyph and buy one of her T-Shirts from Christy at the quaint HFS store. Meanwhile the “next stop” is the Museum of Natural Cultural History at the U of O to check out Thomas Condon and the John Day Fossils.

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 21
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Jacobsen, Janet 541-206-1251 N 110
2 Signed-Up Dorland, Julie 541-968-2447 N 115
3 Signed-Up McCoy, Verlean 541-895-3726 N 110
4 Signed-Up Metcalfe, Valerie 541-221-5702 N 110
5 Signed-Up Wolters, Kris 541-908-3171 N 110
6 Signed-Up Atkinson, John 541-752-7175 N 115
7 Signed-Up Jacobsen, John 541-914-1132 N 110
8 Signed-Up White, Nancy 541-614-4701 N 110
9 Signed-Up Krentz, Holger 541-868-7792 N 110
10 Signed-Up Whitfield, Nancy 541-520-0450 N 110
11 Signed-Up Whitfield, Jim 541-937-2364 N 115
12 Signed-Up Mac Afee, Patricia 541-510-8862 N 115
13 Signed-Up Duncan, Jim 541-343-8079 N 115
14 Signed-Up Duncan, Sharon 541-343-8079 N 110
15 Signed-Up Essenberg, Margaret 541-343-1733 N 110
16 Signed-Up Essenberg, Richard 541-343-1733 N 110
17 Signed-Up Sanazaro, Susan 505-906-7327 N 115
18 Signed-Up Laidman, Janel 541-653-6451 N 115
19 Signed-Up Roy, Beth 541-687-0128 N 115
20 Signed-Up Cleall, Wayne 541-687-0128 N 115
21 Signed-Up Bonine, Anne 541-345-2095 N 115
22 Signed-Up Kameenui, Brenda 541-344-9506 N 110
23 Signed-Up Newman, Judy 541-359-7427 N 110
24 Signed-Up Shuraleff, Chris 541-954-4474 N 110
25 Signed-Up Barr, Marsha 541-579-4096 N 110
26 Signed-Up Grant, Elizabeth 541-514-1176 N 110
27 Signed-Up Nelson, Nola 541-942-5326 N 110
28 Signed-Up Martz, Helen 541-345-6229 N 110
29 Signed-Up Beckley, LaRee 541-338-8520 N 110
30 Signed-Up Tan, Ying 541-684-8219 N 115
31 Signed-Up Crumb, David 541-684-8219 N 115
32 Signed-Up Fogg, May 541-998-3891 N 110
33 Signed-Up Gunther, Barbara 541-654-3576 N 110
34 Signed-Up Livingston, Mary 541-343-0030 N 110
35 Waitlist Snow, Leila 541-968-5533 N 110