Past Activity

Mt Hood Kiwanis Camp Ski or Snowshoe

  • Start date: 03/08/2018

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 03/11/2018

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Join us for a three day ski and snowshoe trip to the Mt Hood area. Our accommodations at the Mt Hood Kiwanis Camp are rustic with 4-5 persons per large dorm style room; bathrooms and showers down the hall. There is a very large living room area including a fireplace and pool table! Continental breakfasts and dinners are included. Lunches are on your own. Possible places to play in the snow: Teacup groomed xc trails, Trillium Lake, unplowed FS road between Timberline and Government Camp (Glade Trail), Timberline downhill ski area. Registration opens 1/21, 7:00 AM. Members have sign-up preference until 1/24. Cost: members-$110; non-members-$115. Within 5 days of signing up, mail check payable to the Obsidians to Lana Lindstrom, PO Box 5506, Eugene, OR 97405. Cancellation policy: if you cancel prior to Feb 7, you will forfeit $20. If you cancel thereafter, no refund. Pre-trip - Wed, 2/28, 6:00, Lodge. Additional information in the January Bulletin.

  • Event Leader: Lana Lindstrom

  • Event Leader Phone: 541-683-1409

  • Event Leader Email:

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Extended Trips

  • Area Type: Mountain

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Easy

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 340

  • Season: 2018

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: Skis, snowshoes, poles, and boots. Layers of clothes, including a change of clothes, pajamas, slippers/indoor shoes and flashlight. Sleeping bag, pillow, towel, ear plugs, and snore strips. Books to read and games to play. 3 lunches.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 4

  • Member Fees: 110

  • Elevation Gain: 200

  • Non-Member Fees: 115

  • Committee: Extended Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

No snow in the Cascades; should we cancel this trip? Finally, a big snow dump in late February - yeahhh! In spite of drizzle with a few snowflakes, almost half the group skied or snowshoed at Trillium Lake on Thursday. The rest either explored Timberline Lodge, the museum at the Government Camp Visitors Center, or drove directly to the Kiwanis facility near Government Camp (Laurel Lodge). On Friday, most of the snowshoers started at the Barlow Pass trailhead and went south on the PCT to Twin Lakes - overcast and no views. The seven skiers had a fantastic day with great views at Teacup, just 5 miles further east. On Saturday, seventeen Obsidians drove to the Pocket Creek Snowpark, and either skied or snowshoed the loop counterclockwise. On the return via road, there were some gorgeous views of the Mountain. Dave L and Mike snowshoed an extra 3 miles for grand views at Pillory Vista. Four others snowshoed directly from camp to Enid Lake. And many of us got our negative ion fix at the pretty waterfall about .5 miles from camp. On Sunday, Scott, Lisa, and Daphne snowshoed up the White River Canyon West trail and Richard and Lana did the Trillium Lake Loop; both groups were rewarded with excellent views in spring like conditions. Overall, it was a superb Extended Trip with congenial participants, delicious food, fun games, and plenty of snow.

Six word memoirs of the trip follow:

Snow - shuffling with nourishment and laughter.
Cruising along. Warm sun. Mountain views.
Fun friends, rain, sun, ski, snowshoe.
Skiing, views, sunshine. Salvaged snowless winter.
Negative ions; positive energy; waterfall magic.
Warm voices; shared stories; minds alive.
Pacific Crest. Snow. Friends. Twin Lakes.
White mountain, thanks for your obsidian.
Snowshoed. Skied. Friends. Fireplace. Rain. Sun.
Oh dude. The view is awesome.
The Mountain showed up for lunch.
Majestic Mountain. Obsidians Extraordinaire. Exemplary Organization.
Six miles, gimpy knee. Healing Mountain.
Soap meets dish; male ballet; bromance.
Pressure’s on! West of Illinois. Kentucky?!
Scrabble. The Catch Phrase. Nounery fun!
Magnificent lasagna despite oven malfunction.
Award winning oatmeal with lotsa apples.
Nasal strips. “Mighty Earplugs”. Armed n’ready!
Nose strip. No sleep. No snore.
Thanks Lana. Hail Richard. All good.