Past Activity

Pisgah Native Plant Nursery

  • Start date: 05/10/2021

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 05/10/2021

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Long time volunteer of Friends of Buford Park and Mt. Pisgah’s Native Plant Nursery, Dave Predeek will give a tour of the three acres nursery, see70 plus plants many of which will be in bloom and work in progress. There will be a short walk to see the original nursery and other and other plantings before we go to the nursery. Expect 2 – 2 1/2 hours. Meet at the North Trailhead: Turn left onto Frank Parrish Road after crossing the Coast Fork Willamette River. Drive 0.3 miles, and turn left into the large parking area. Back in 1997 botanist and Obsidian Dave Predeek joined the board of Friends of Buford Park & Mt. Pisgah and started looking around for a specific way of contributing. He didn’t have to look far before noticing that invasive plants, especially blackberries and Scotch broom, were taking over large areas of the park’s hillsides. The oak savanna habitat of the park, once common in the Willamette Valley, is now a rare and precious resource and Dave resolved to begin an effort to protect and restore it. He started the Monday Morning Regulars to remove blackberries and more.

Read more in the May 2005 Bulletin.

  • Event Leader: Jacobsen Janet

  • Assistant Leader: Predeek Dave

  • Event category: Trips

  • Area Type: Urban

  • Departure Location: Mt Pisgah, North Trailhead

  • Rating: Easy

  • Roundtrip total drive miles:

  • Season: 2021

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: Lane County Parks Pass. A day pass is available using a credit card at the fee box at the West Trailhead.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 2

  • Member Fees: 1

  • Elevation Gain:

  • Non-Member Fees: 2

  • Committee: Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

Reporter: Joanna Alexander
Dave Predeek opened all the doors of the extensive nursery operation to fellow Obsidians on a fine, cool May morning. Twenty-six straight years of volunteering have passed since Dave started in 1995 has volunteered, when the Native Plant Nursery occupied only the 25’ X 25’ former vegetable garden of the Kienzle farmhouse.

The visit began in the North Trailhead parking, where Dave showed native plants installed by the nursery in planters built by Lane County –deer had browsed on the tips of the young shrubs. We then entered the new winding trail that parallels the river toward the nursery, where Dave pointed out Cow parsnips, Meadow rue, Choke cherry, Wild cucumber (beware, fatal if consumed as tea!), Fringecup, Snowberry, Osoberry, Ninebark, Pacific waterleaf, and Delphiniums finishing their cobalt blue blossoming.

Entering the large field where once loud gatherings wounded the ears of protesting neighbors, Dave pointed out an unusual Coyote bush standing alone.

Approaching the nursery, enclosed in a high fence to keep deer out, violet green swallows and hummingbirds sang and swooped; fenceposts were topped with swallow boxes. First stop was the greenhouse where seedlings were started. Dave has brought a crop of Tiger and Cascade lilies to maturity from seed, requiring 5 years of nurturing. Next we met April, assistant nursery manager; then we saw the refrigerated room for storing masses and masses of collected seeds, all organized on shelves. The nursery makes a bit of income from seed and plant sales, but most of its operating expenses are supported by grants and donations.

Mieko Aoki, the nursery director, greeted us as we visited the outdoor beds, arranged in squares for one species with paths in between. Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, Oregon Sunshine coming into its yellow glory, Wild irises, those lilies of Dave’s thick with buds, Orange columbine in full array, Checkermallows, Mule’s ears, Hound’s tongues, and many lesser known natives, including a native raspberry, greeted us in the orderly well-tended squares. One area had potted natives ready for pickup in the online spring plant sale, and a few still awaiting buyers.

We last met the Trail Steward, Vince Rozzi. Obsidians Stewardship committee Chair Jorry Rolfe hinted that Obsidians of the future may be helping Vince in his projects improving trails.

We are so grateful for Dave Predeek

Background resources:

Most Obsidians may not be acquainted with the native plant nursery and how it contributes to the trail habitats of Mt. Pisgah. The vast area, officially Howard Buford Recreation Area (HBRA or Buford Park) is a Lane County park, but Lane County relies on two non-profits to perform most of the natural area maintenance. (Nature Conservancy adjacent 1,200 acres near the Willamette River confluence of Middle and Coast forks, is part of the GMPA or “Greater Mt. Pisgah Area.”

For further information

for Mt. Pisgah history:

Dave handed out a reprint of an article “The Genesis of Buford Park” from Sprint 1994 issue of the Native Plant Nursery newsletter The Rookery which he helped start (the website has copies of the newsletters) It concludes saying the area is “the most productive bastion of wildlife habitat in the whole Willamette basin.”

1994 Master Plan for the Area: (Mrs. Kienzle still lived in that house at this date from a mention in this document)

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 7
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Jacobsen, Janet 541-206-1251 N 1
2 Signed-Up Predeek, Dave 541-345-5531 N 1
3 Signed-Up Essenberg, Margaret 541-343-1733 N 1
4 Signed-Up Rolfe, Jorry 541-206-9501 N 1
5 Signed-Up Alexander, Joanna 458-209-7798 N 1
6 Signed-Up Sinnott, Randy 541-915-0234 N 1
7 Signed-Up Soussan, Pat 541-653-7997 N 1
8 Signed-Up Hollander, Anne 541-338-9036 N 1
9 Signed-Up Straub, Peg 541-514-7298 N 1
10 Signed-Up Hoecker, Nancy 541-217-8453 N 1
11 Signed-Up Orsi, Barbara 541-515-9665 N 1
12 Signed-Up Rasella, Delia 760-382-1488 N 2
13 Signed-Up Babcock, Carol 541-409-7364 N 2
14 Waitlist Maenz, Lou 541-741-6863 N 1
15 Waitlist Emlen, Clara 541-746-2181 N 1
16 Signed-Up McManigal, Richard 206-283-6752 N 1