Past Activity

Illinois River Kalmiopsis Wilderness

  • Start date: 06/02/2023

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 06/04/2023

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Come experience one of the best hikes in the Rogue NF Kalmiopsis Wilderness along the eastern Illinois River Trail during peak wildflower season. We’ll leave Eugene Friday afternoon and drive south to Selma and onto the Illinois River road and the Briggs Creek TH. Please note the final 7 miles to TH are gravel/dirt manageable at slow speed by passenger car. We’ll hike downriver following the Illinois River Trail and camp Friday night at Pine Creek approx 5 miles from TH. Saturday we’ll day hike out-and-back conditions permitting approx 9 miles to the summit of Bald Mtn 3,975’. Sunday pack up and return to TH.

  • Event Leader: Davies Russ

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Trips

  • Area Type: Mountain

  • Departure Location: Red Barn Grocery, 4th & Blair

  • Rating: Difficult

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 400

  • Season: 2023

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: 10 essentials and 2 days of food. Stoves recommended. This is primarily a low elevation hike with most of the elevation gain in the last few miles to Bald Mtn summit. Expect moderate spring temperatures trending hot if it’s clear. Bugs, ticks, and snakes may be found particularly closer to water. Drinking water should be treated and is available at camp and at several streams we cross throughout. The lighter you pack the more fun you’ll have. Consider sharing stoves, cookware and similar heavy stuff with friends.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 20

  • Member Fees:

  • Elevation Gain: 3000

  • Non-Member Fees: 10

  • Committee: Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 8
  • Number of spots available: 7
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Davies, Russ 541-525-3719 N