Past Activity

Brice Creek hike & water play

  • Start date: 07/31/2023

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 07/31/2023

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Brice Creek is a lovely stream with many deep pools and rippling water to play in.
Meet at the LCC parking lot at 8am to carpool. I live near Cottage Grove and will meet you in the Cottage Grove Walmart parking lot near the LTD bus stop. I drive a red Ford Escape. We'll drive up Row River Road for 20 miles and take a right at Brice Creek Road, parking at Cedar Creek Trailhead 6 miles up.
The trail follows the stream through beautiful forests and rocky bluffs. When we reach the last trailhead near Champion Creek, we'll turn around and go back. Multiple stops can be made along the creek. Swimming or wading are options for you. Lunch will be streamside when we like.

  • Event Leader: Harris Jean

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Trips

  • Area Type: Mountain

  • Departure Location: Lane Community College, parking lot nearest stoplight

  • Rating: Moderate

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 80

  • Season: 2023

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: Bring water, lunch, snacks and clothing appropriate for water play.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 8

  • Member Fees:

  • Elevation Gain: 600

  • Non-Member Fees: 5

  • Committee: Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

The day began with a bit of smoke in the air and perfect temperatures near 60. Brice Creek Trail is beautiful year round. Summertime presents low flow with clear water to see the rocks and deep green pools along the way. The timber and rock bluffs, gentle breeze and bird calls all created a tranquil day. Lunch near the Trestle Creek/Brice Creek confluence allowed for happy feet in the water and the babblng brook sounds we love. The completion of 8 miles back at the Cedar Creek Trailhead provided a satisfying breeze and 80 degree temps. Four happy girls enjoyed this day!

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 12
  • Number of spots available: 7
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Harris, Jean 541-953-0268 N
2 Signed-Up Ruzicka, Angie 541-521-6840 N
3 Signed-Up Nelson, Lucy 541-556-2032 N 5
4 Signed-Up Anderson, Heidi 805-798-1842 N
5 Signed-Up Danforth, Jan 541-658-9320 N