


An organization with deep roots in the communities we serve.

We are an outdoor adventure and education organization with deep roots in our community.

The Obsidians began in 1927 after a search for two young men who went missing in the nearby Three Sisters Wilderness while on a climbing trip. As a result of the incident, the local community realized the need for both an organized search and rescue group and for educating people about safely recreating in the outdoors. In the late 1960s the search and rescue component of the Obsidians split off to become Eugene Mountain Rescue. From our beginning the Obsidians have focused on outdoor adventures, safety, and education to serve our community. We now have more than 400 members involved in a wide variety of outdoor activities from hiking and climbing to stewardship and exploring the Northwest by bus.


We hold our values close to our hearts.

Connecting our community to the mountains, waters, and trails of the great outdoors through exploration, education, and stewardship.

Obsidians in front of Crater Rock on Mount Hood after successfully summiting

1931 and 2016

Our Values
Education and Adventure

We value teaching outdoor skills, leadership, and the exploration and appreciation of the natural world. We live these values by bringing members of our community to the trails, waterways and mountains of the Pacific Northwest and teaching them how to recreate in the outdoors competently, safely, and responsibly.

Community and Continuity

We value social connection, fun, and community service. We strive to create a welcoming culture and provide diverse activities, outreach and participation. We also value preservation of the past and are committed to the future by being adaptable to change.

Stewardship and Conservation

We value stewardship, conservation, and advocacy for the scenic and wild places we cherish. We live our values by actively working on stewardship projects and maintaining trails in our local area.


What we do?

Everything to do with the outdoors.
The Obsidian Activities committees schedule activities and outings the year round.

The Obsidians offer many activities related to the outdoors, including hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, backpacking, bus tours, and stewardship projects. We also offer community outdoor education through our Conservation, Science and Education program, potluck speakers and teaching outdoor skills. Please see all our activities listed on our website. These are fun activities that serve Obsidian members and the general public in many ways. We welcome guests to participate in our activities. We also strive to make participating in Obsidian activities as affordable as possible.


Obsidian Organizational Structure

The affairs of the club are managed under the provisions of written Bylaws, Policies and Practices

The Obsidians, which are a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, follow procedures laid out in our Bylaws and Policies and Practices. The responsibility for managing the Obsidians is delegated by the membership to an elected Board of Directors – nine active members – who meet monthly. Most of the work of the Obsidians is accomplished through standing committees including Trips, Climbs, Bus Trips, Stewardship, Summer Camp, Lodge, Membership, Publications, Concessions, Entertainment, and Conservation, Science and Education. The chairpersons of these committees are appointed by the Board annually. Throughout its history, the Obsidian Board and its committees have depended on the voluntary cooperation of the entire membership to make possible the wide range of Obsidian activities. It is this spirit of cooperation that permeates all affairs of the Obsidians and helps to create the cohesiveness necessary to keep it functioning.