Past Activity

Low Tide Wanders

  • Start date: 06/16/2022

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 06/18/2022

  • End time: 11:59 PM


UPDATED APRIL 25th: Instead of Boiler Bay on Saturday, because getting the tide pool area is treacherous, we will drive 1 mile north to Fogarty Beach are explore the beach and tide pool area there.

Enjoy exploring tidepools during two negative low tides on the Oregon coast. We will be group camping at Beverly Beach State Park, just north of Newport.

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022:
In the later afternoon or early evening, arrive at Group Camp #2 at Beverly Beach State Park. Check-in at the park begins at 4pm. The leader should be arriving by 6pm, but you are welcome to check in earlier.

Friday, Jun 17, 2022:
The low tide is 9:29am. In the early morning (7am), we will drive 30 minutes south to Seal Rock and explore tidepools during an impressive -2.4 feet (-73 cm) low tide. This area is good for tidepooling as we can walk on sand, visit 'islands' of marine life, and not crush critters underfoot. After several hours, about 10am when the tide is coming in, we will return to the group camp. The rest of the day is open for exploring on your own or going as a group on some local hikes.

Saturday, Jun 18, 2022:
The low tide is 10:20am. In the early morning, we pack up camp (by 8:30am) and drive 15 minutes north to Boiler Bay State Park and explore this area during a -1.8feet (-55cm) low tide. The "path" down to the tide pool area is steep, and if we have to make other arrangements at a nearby location we will. This part of the trip is exploratory by the group leader. After several hours we will finish up.

Pay the trip leader $20 upon arrival; this covers camping fees, and wood for a fire (if allowed at that time). This trip begins at Beverly Beach State Park, Group Camp #2. The park does have flush toilets and showers, though our group will likely be sharing a communal pit toilet with another group. Covid protocols will be in place on our trip.

Bring your tent, camping cookstove, meals, snacks, etc. Be prepared for wind, rain, and cool temperatures on the coast. The moon will be a Waning Gibbous with 87% illumination, if the wind is not an issue we might be able to include an evening low-ish tide walk on the beach. The trip leader is fully vaccinated and boosted.

  • Event Leader: Hougardy Mark

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Trips

  • Area Type: Coastal

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Easy

  • Roundtrip total drive miles:

  • Season: 2022

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required:

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 10

  • Member Fees: 2

  • Elevation Gain: 100

  • Non-Member Fees: 10

  • Committee: Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

The low tide zone is always covered, except for a few times a year during the lowest tides. It was during one such minus low tide that 8 of us ventured to an area along Oregon's central coast to explore tide pools during an impressive -2.4 feet (-73 cm) low tide! Day 1: Our group arrived on their schedule at one of the Oregon State Park group camps. That afternoon and evening were open for beach walking, exploring on your own, or watching the sunset. In the evening, everyone enjoyed a campfire and discussed plans for the next day. It was interesting that one topic of conversation that arose was the book, "Braiding Sweetgrass." Of the 8 participants, more than half had read the book, one was in the process of reading, and the others were interested. At 10 pm a gentle rain started and continued through to the morning. Day 2: At 7 am, we carpooled to an unnamed parking area expecting a filling parking lot, but to the trip leader's surprise were only 3 cars. The rain, cool temperatures, and overcast skies likely contributed to the low turnout. We arrived about 2 hours before low tide to follow the tide out. This particular tide pool area is special because we can walk on sand and open rocky surfaces to visit 'islands' of marine life. After 2.5 hours, and a returning tide, we started back and met several rangers who helped to provide some more context to the area. One ranger said the rain had chased most away that morning. We saw numerous anemones, various seaweeds, chitons, crabs, limpets, mussels, and some small fish believed to be skulpins. Also observed were a pacific harbor seal, seagulls, and great blue heron. Later that morning, we drove to a coffee shop in Nye Beach to warm up. Then half of the group ventured back to the campground, and the other half visited the Hatfield Marine Science Center. That afternoon, we met up at the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area and saw at least 4 bald eagles in addition to the common murres, surf scoters, and pigeon guillemots. One participant said that in 30 years of visiting Yaquina Head she had not seen that many eagles there as that day. That evening we enjoyed dinner around a campfire. Several of the group visited the beach at sunset to see up to 8 large birds visiting what appeared to be the body of a deer on the beach (the deer had not been there 24 hours earlier). The deer had been possibly struck by a vehicle on the nearby highway and made it to the beach before dying. Near the body were 8 birds; 3 were vultures, 2 were adult bald eagles, and 3 were juvenile bald eagles. The interactions between the birds were raucous at times. Just at sunset, the eagles departed and the vultures returned. That evening the rain returned. Day 3: We awoke to a wet campsite and decided to meet in Depoe Bay at 9 am. Some broke camp early to grab some breakfast in town. In Depot Bay the group met up again, and we looked briefly for whales, but saw no signs, then drove north to Fogarty Creek to enjoy a -1.5 foot low tide. After an hour and a half, everyone departed for home.

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 9
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Hougardy, Mark 541-206-9532 N 2
2 Signed-Up Hougardy, Christiane 541-914-4556 N 2
3 Signed-Up Bloomfield, Donna 831-818-2079 N 10
4 Signed-Up Christiansen, Lynda 541-912-9952 N 2
5 Signed-Up Wolling, Sue 541-345-2110 N 2
6 Signed-Up Grant, Elizabeth 541-514-1176 N 2
7 Signed-Up Brown, Ben 214-930-6394 N 2
8 Signed-Up Orsi, Barbara 541-515-9665 N 2
9 Signed-Up Carpenter, Kathie 541-505-2370 N 2
10 Signed-Up Nagy, Evelyn 541-514-4110 N 2
11 Signed-Up Bryan, Keiko 541-342-1240 N 2
12 Signed-Up Skarda, Joan 541-590-0205 N 2
13 Signed-Up Skarda, John 541-902-1450 N 2
14 Signed-Up Glaser, Abigail 630-802-5644 N 10
15 Signed-Up Stewart Smith, Meg 541-913-5464 N 2
16 Signed-Up Lantz, Chris 503-939-9856 N 10
17 Signed-Up Tsyrkun, Olya 541-912-7742 N 10
18 Signed-Up Nicholson, Cristi 503-267-3639 N 10
19 Signed-Up Hougardy, Anna 541-505-7031 N 10