Past Activity

Mt. Pisgah: Wildflower Scout

  • Start date: 03/11/2021

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 03/11/2021

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Meet at 9:00am, by the bathrooms, at the MAIN (west) trailhead. You will need a Lane County Parks annual permit, or a Day Pass which can be purchased ahead of time at the main trailhead.
Spring beauty, Oregon grape, and osoberry are blooming. What else can we find, either in bloom or beginning to leaf? This small-group hike will cover about three miles of lower elevation trail within the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum. We will travel at a steady, relaxed pace, stopping briefly to inspect items of interest. We will keep together (with appropriate Covid distancing) so that no one misses a trail or a discovery. Anticipate some uphill and downhill stretches (we are not going to the summit) and some muddy trail. If participants are interested, we can take an additional short side trip into the south meadow to see a tiny, uncommon Lane County flower. If the weather is poor or the flowers are not open, we will still get in a good walk.

  • Event Leader: Yoerger Karen

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Trips

  • Area Type: Urban

  • Departure Location: See Trip Description

  • Rating: Easy

  • Roundtrip total drive miles:

  • Season: 2021

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: Face covering, weather appropriate clothing in layers, water Obsidian COVID protocols will be followed. See website home page.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 4

  • Member Fees: 1

  • Elevation Gain: 400

  • Non-Member Fees: 2

  • Committee: Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

We were treated to a cool but rainless and eventually sunny day. After introductions, we cruised many of the Arboretum trails. Osoberry and spring beauty were plentiful. We saw many wake-robin and fawn lilies in bud, and several of each were in bloom. There were several patches of newly-opened baby blue-eyes. We identified the vegetative growth of a number of plants not yet in bloom, including inside-out flower, rattlesnake plantain, large camas and miner's lettuce/spring beauty and we took note of several others that we could not identify for later study. Some of us went on to view a patch of Siskiyou false rue anemone--a plant which was originally discovered at Mt. Pisgah by Obsidian and NPSO member, Dave Predeek-- that has not been found anywhere else in Lane County. It was a fun group and a fun trip!

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 7
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Yoerger, Karen 541-510-2832 N 1
2 Signed-Up Shapiro, Kate 541-999-0091 N 2
3 Signed-Up Bloomfield, Donna 831-818-2079 N 2
4 Signed-Up Parks, Linda 607-244-4194 N 1
5 Signed-Up Alexander, Joanna 458-209-7798 N 1
6 Signed-Up Lindstrom, Lana 541-683-1409 N 1
7 Signed-Up Lodeesen, David 214-709-0352 N 2
8 Signed-Up Miller, June 808-282-5201 N 1
9 Signed-Up Carpenter, Kathie 541-505-2370 N 1
10 Signed-Up Straub, Peg 541-514-7298 N 1