Past Activity

Canceled: Newberry Crater Ski & Snowshoe

  • Start date: 02/01/2012

  • Start time: 12:00 AM

  • End date: 02/03/2012

  • End time: 11:59 PM


Participants will ski or snowshoe in 3 miles to Paulina Lake Lodge. We'll be staying in the Reeds, Snowbird and Lark cabins (see During the day, we'll explore the surrounding area including Paulina Lake and Newberry Crater. The detailed article describing the trip is in the November Bulletin. The price of $135 includes 2 dinners prepared by participants. Breakfasts and lunches are on our own. A snow cat will carry our gear in. The maximum number of participants has been increased from 12 to 15.

  • Event Leader: Lindstrom Lana

  • Assistant Leader:

  • Event category: Extended Trips

  • Area Type:

  • Departure Location: Amazon Park, 28th & Hilyard entrance parking lot

  • Rating: Moderate

  • Roundtrip total drive miles: 260

  • Season: 2012

  • Permits Required:

  • Event Status: Passed

  • Supplies and Equipment Required: A pre-trip meeting will be held on January 12, 7:00 PM at the Lodge. To secure your place, mail a non-refundable $20 deposit to Lana Lindstrom, P.O. Box 5506, Eugene, OR 97405. Checks should be payable to Obsidians Inc. The balance is due by Dec. 27.

  • participant prerequisites:

  • Conditions:

  • Total Distance: 3

  • Member Fees: 125

  • Elevation Gain: 780

  • Non-Member Fees: 125

  • Committee: Extended Trips

  • Junior member fees:

Trip Report

The weather driving over was a bit sketchy, but there was plenty of snow at the 10 mile snow park at Newberry Crater National Monument. The snow cat hauled our gear in and we all skied or snowshoed up the main road to Paulina Lake Resort. The next day, 5 strong, determined folks skied 1,650' in 4 miles up to Paulina Peak where they could see from Mt Adams to Mt. Shasta! The rest of us snowshoed or skied the main road or the trails in vicinity, including visiting the beautiful waterfall and the Big Obsidian Flow. The last day, we explored 3 different ways to return to the parking lot. It was a very congenial group of 15 Obsidians who shared 3 different houses - a good time was had by all! For a more detailed report about this trip, see the March, 2012 Bulletin.

Members & Guests signed-up & waitlisted

  • Number of spots on trip: 15
  • Number of spots available: 0
No. Status Full name Phone Transportation Needed? Trip Fee # Can Take?
1 Signed-Up Lindstrom, Lana 541-683-1409 N 125
2 Signed-Up Hughes, Richard 541-579-3098 N 125
3 Signed-Up Stockdale, Chris 541-221-2293 N 125
4 Signed-Up Whitfield, Nancy 541-520-0450 N 125
5 Signed-Up Norregaard, Barbara 541-935-3671 N 125
6 Signed-Up Weaver, Elle 541-852-6128 N 125
7 Signed-Up Shuraleff, Chris 541-954-4474 N 125
8 Signed-Up Whitfield, Jim 541-937-2364 N 125
9 Signed-Up Van Deusen, Charlie 541-685-1087 N 125
10 Signed-Up Fontana, Bea 541-345-2410 N 125
11 Signed-Up Meacham, Lynn 541-214-8827 N 125
12 Signed-Up Esch, Patricia 541-338-8280 N 125
13 Signed-Up Windle, Peggy 541-505-0412 N 125
14 Signed-Up Marcus, Lisa 541-285-7141 N 125
15 Signed-Up Harrison, Bob 541-556-3654 N 125
16 Signed-Up Newman, Judy 541-359-7427 N 125
17 Signed-Up Bryan, Keiko 541-342-1240 N 125
18 Signed-Up Mac Afee, Patricia 541-510-8862 N 125
19 Signed-Up James, Daphne 541-683-7488 N 125
20 Signed-Up Schechter, Diane 541-206-7723 N 125
21 Waitlist Barr, Marsha 541-579-4096 N 125
22 Waitlist Martz, Helen 541-345-6229 N 125
23 Waitlist Bonine, Anne 541-345-2095 N 125
24 Waitlist Friedland, Sharon 541-505-0971 N 125
25 Waitlist Ness, Judy 541-465-1236 N 125