Activities Calendar

Ecology of Surprise

Activity: ExploraTalk

Leader: Default Admin

Michael Nelson, OSU Professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics and Lead Principal Investigator…

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jorry Rolfe

If this is your first time on this Obsidian hike and/or if this is first time you have hiked up Spen…

Chinese History in Portland

Activity: Bus

Leader: Vern Marsonette

Load Bus 7:30 AM, depart 8:00 AM
Portland’s Chinatown is our October destination. Located in "Old T…

Lookout Creek Trail

Activity: Hike

Leader: David Cooper

This is a pretty tough moderate trail. While not long, it does have very short, steep sections and s…

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jorry Rolfe

If this is your first time on this Obsidian hike and/or if this is first time you have hiked up Spen…

Exploring Morocco

Activity: Potluck & Presentation

Leader: Default Admin

Exploring Morocco with Lana Lindstrom…

Ridgeline Drainage

Activity: Work Party

Leader: Matt Bell

We will be cleaning drainage and culverts on the Main Trail as well as cleaning the kiosk.

Meet at …

Oak Creek to McCulloch Peak

Activity: Hike

Leader: Darko Sojak

A classic McDonald Forest steep hills route with fall colors and rewarding views at the top.
From th…

Proxy Falls and Linton Lake

Activity: Hike

Leader: Denise Bean

This should be a beautiful hike in the forest with the fall leaves changing. We will first start at …

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