Activities Calendar

Blanton Ridge to Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Tommy Young

This hike to the top of Spencer Butte takes the less traveled route from Blanton Road. We'll cross …

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Denise Rubenstein

** NOTE: Flexible departure time from 8:15-8:30.
Every Wednesday we do this hike from the Martin St…

Canceled Turkey Trimming

Activity: Hike

Leader: Dorothy vanWinkle

This annual urban hike will take us through South Eugene to the Ridgeline Trailhead on 52nd and Will…

Rescheduled Mt Pisgah

Activity: Hike

Leader: Janet Jacobsen

We can adjust mileage if the weather does not cooperate. Park at the Main Parking lot. Look for us t…

Spencer Butte Planting

Activity: Work Party

Leader: Matt Bell

For this outing we will plant over 250 salvaged plants around the main trailhead parking lot.


Rescheduled Sweet Creek Falls

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jane Hackett

We will try to do both lower and upper sections of trail. If conditions allow this the length of th…

Shotgun Creek Loop

Activity: Hike

Leader: Denise Bean

Meet at: Corner of 42nd and Marcola Rd in the parking lot of the Weyerhauser Mckenzie Natural Area.…

North Fork Willamette

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jane Hackett

We will start at the beginning of second leg of trail and continue into the third section as far as …

Blanton Ridge to Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Tommy Young

This hike to the top of Spencer Butte takes the less traveled route from Blanton Road. We'll cross …

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