Activities Calendar

Blanton Ridge to Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Angie Ruzicka

This hike to the top of Spencer Butte takes the less traveled route from Blanton Road. We'll cross …

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Kathie Carpenter

Every Wednesday we do this hike from the Martin Street Trailhead to the summit of Spencer Butte. Com…

52nd Street/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Elizabeth Grant

For several years we've done a conditioning hike on Wednesdays from the Martin Street Trailhead to t…

Mt. Pisgah Find the Bench

Activity: Hike

Leader: Janet Jacobsen

Update: There will be 9 of us and we be careful to social distance and not impact others. Look for m…

Eugene Mural Walk

Activity: Hike

Leader: Lana Lindstrom

LRichard Hughes is the Assistant Leader. ooking for something to do on this special day? An excuse t…

Finley Wildlife Refuge

Activity: Hike

Leader: Angie Ruzicka

We will hike the popular Mill Hill and Woodpecker Loops. Participants will manage their own transp…

Mt Pisgah

Activity: Hike

Leader: Janet Jacobsen

Meet by the restrooms across from the Pavilion. The plan is to take Trail 5 to Trail 56, Trail 6 t…

Andrew Reasoner explora

Activity: Hike

Leader: Darko Sojak

Convenient short drive. Easy explora-hike with landowner, through a maze of roads and good trails. L…

McDowell Creek/Horserock Ridge

Activity: Hike

Leader: Kathie Carpenter

We’ll tentatively plan to hit Horserock Ridge and the bulk of our climbing first (3.7 mi, 1128 ft), …

Mt Pisgah Sunset/Moonrise (long)

Activity: Hike

Leader: Janet Jacobsen

Look for us by my car a row or two or three down from the fee box. We start hiking at 2:30. Sunset …

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