Activities Calendar

Blanton Ridge to Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Tommy Young

This hike to the top of Spencer Butte takes the less traveled route from Blanton Road. We'll cross …

Mountaineering Conditioning

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jennifer Marlow

Park in the main parking lot and meet at the gate for trail#1. You must pay for a day pass at the pa…

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Mike Smith

NOTE: Flexible departure time from 8:15 to 8:30.
Every Wednesday since 2013 we do this hike from th…

Martin Street to Dillard Road

Activity: Hike

Leader: Lisa Van Liefde

Mid-week after work in town hikes:
Martin Street to Dillard Rd, this is a conditioning hike.

We'll …

Mountaineering Conditioning

Activity: Hike

Leader: Juli McGlinsky

It's time to throw off the contemplative weight of winter and get in shape for climbing/mountaineeri…

Spring Beach Clean Up with SOLVE

Activity: Work Party

Leader: Darko Sojak

Don’t be late! From Target W11, Eugene we will carpool to Beachside State Park, few miles south of W…

Entire McKenzie River Trail

Activity: Hike

Leader: Steven Johnson

We'll be hiking the entire, 25.9 mile length of the Mckenzie River Trail in one day. This hike will…

Mountaineering Conditioning

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jennifer Marlow

Park in the main parking lot and meet at the gate for trail#1. You must pay for a day pass at the pa…

Lodge & Grounds Clean-up

Activity: Work Party

Leader: David Cooper

Time for spring cleaning just before we have a multi-day rental. The Lodge hasn't had much use but t…

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