Activities Calendar

Canceled Hendricks Park Spring Heyday

Activity: Hike

Leader: Janet Jacobsen

To celebrate Ogden Nash’s poem, Lines in Praise of a Date Made Praiseworthy Solely by Something Very…

Amazon Hdwtrs/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Darian Morray

NOTE: Flexible departure time from 8:15 to 8:30 NOTE TIME CHANGE
Every Wednesday since 2013 we do …

Mt Pisgah Sunset/Moonrise

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jorry Rolfe

Look for us by my car a row or two down from the fee box. Sunset 7:56 and moonrise is 6:57. Full mo…

Canceled Spring Basin BLM Wilderness

Activity: Backpack

Leader: Russ Davies

This is an Eastern Oregon moderate elevation hike through pristine sage and rimrock in the Spring Ba…

Rescheduled Waterfall hike

Activity: Hike

Leader: Kathie Carpenter

The trails will be muddy but the water will be gushing! We'll make visits to Wildwood Falls (right …

52nd Street/Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Denise Rubenstein

Sunrise hike! There will be a full moon and hopefully clear skies, so we can see stars as we walk th…

Easter Bunny Rides Again-Coburg

Activity: Bike

Leader: Richard Hughes

23 miles and 136 feet of elevation(mainly flat).


Snow skills field day

Activity: Class

Leader: Danneille Harris

This is a full day session up on Hayrick Butte near Hoodoo Ski area to learn mountaineering skills s…

Blanton Ridge to Spencer Butte

Activity: Hike

Leader: Tommy Young

This hike to the top of Spencer Butte takes the less traveled route from Blanton Road. We'll cross …

Mountaineering Conditioning

Activity: Hike

Leader: Jennifer Marlow

Park in the main parking lot and meet at the gate for trail#1. You must pay for a day pass at the pa…

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